Abbey Community College
Together Towards Excellence

Work Experience

One of the main aims of TY / LCA / LCVP is to prepare the students for adult and working life.

Students in LCA in Abbey Community College engage in one full day of work placement every Wednesday.

Students in Transition Year and LCVP engage in a block placement.

  • TYs take part in a two week placement in Autumn and another two-week placement before February mid-term.
  • 5th year LCVP take part in a one-week placement each Spring.

It is the student's responsibility to find a placement of value in an area that interests them from a career point of view.

Community involvement and volunteering in an organisation are also encouraged as an appropriate work experience work opportunity.

  • Please note that credits are awarded for TY work placement, based on the process of obtaining a placement and the completion of the host employer's report.
  • Please note that 13% of the overall credits for LCA Certification is awarded for work placement, based on a weekly assessment of their work placement diary in the LCA Work Experience Folder and the completion of the host employer's report.
  • Please note that 21% of the portfolio marks for LCVP is awarded for the typed work experience diary.

Students must register their work placement via the Programme Coordinator, Ms. Doherty by completing the Work Placement Microsoft Form.

Students should also complete the relevant work placement section in the TY Portfolio or LCA Work Experience Diary.

LCVP students complete a 5-page typed diary under specific headings on their return to school after work experience.

IMPORTANT: The placement MUST be school approved, otherwise it will not be covered by the State Indemnity Insurance.

Before you go on Work Placement:

  • Register your placement by completing the Work Placement Microsoft form.
  • Fully complete and process the necessary Garda vetting forms (further details from Ms. Doherty)
  • Learn as much as you can about the company where you are working.
  • Make sure you have all the necessary documentation completed.
  • Listen carefully to the guidance from your coordinator/guidance teacher/LCVP link teacher.

During the Work Placement:

  • Dress appropriately for the type of work to be done.
  • Always be on time.
  • Have a positive attitude.
  • Listen carefully to all instructions given to you.
  • Carry out all tasks to the best of your ability.
  • Inform the employer and the school immediately if you are unable to attend work placement.
  • Complete the work placement diary

After the Work Placement:

  • Make sure that the employer completes the employer evaluation information.
  • Complete the student evaluation pages in the relevant areas.
  • LCVP students should type the 5 page diary under the specific headings on their return to school.
Abbey Road, Ferrybank, Waterford, Ireland.
051 832 930
© 2025 Abbey Community College