Abbey Community College
Together Towards Excellence

Relationships and Sexuality Education (RSE)

*** As part of the Junior Cycle Wellbeing programme, students in 1st year (from September 2023) are now studying an updated Social, Personal and Health Education (SPHE) curriculum. As part of the SPHE curriculum, students will take part in the Relationships and Sexuality strand. In the strand of Relationships and Sexuality, the key focus is on creating and maintaining healthy and respectful relationships. Students will discuss the signs of healthy, unhealthy and abusive relationships, how to set boundaries in relationships and show respect for the boundaries of others. They will learn about the importance of consent as an aspect of all healthy relationships and how to take care of their reproductive health.

Further information can be found here.

Relationships and Sexuality Education is a lifelong process of acquiring knowledge and understanding and of developing attitudes, beliefs and values about sexual identity, relationships and intimacy. In the school setting, it is an integral part of general educational provision, which seeks to promote the overall development of the person and which includes the integration of sexuality into personal understanding, growth and development. Through RSE, formal opportunities are provided for young people to evaluate the wide range of information, opinions, attitudes and values which they receive. In this way they can be helped to form values and establish behaviours within a moral framework. While parents are the primary educators in this area, schools have a key role to play. Ideally parents and schools will work in partnership to provide comprehensive relationships and sexuality education for young people.

Relationships and Sexuality Education (RSE) aims -

  • To help young people understand and develop friendships and relationships.
  • To promote an understanding of sexuality.
  • To promote a positive attitude to one’s own sexuality and in one’s relationship with others.
  • To promote knowledge of and respect for reproduction.
  • To enable pupils to develop attitudes and values toward their sexuality in a moral, spiritual and social framework in keeping with the policy of the school.
  • To provide opportunities for pupils to learn about relationships and sexuality in ways that may help them think and act in a moral, caring and responsible way.

Topics for Junior Cycle Relationships and Sexuality Education (RSE) students will include:

Human growth and development:
◗ an understanding of physical and emotional changes at puberty
◗ fertility, conception, pregnancy and birth
◗ sexually transmitted diseases, including HIV and AIDS
◗ an awareness of the consequences and implications of sexual activity

Human sexuality:
◗ understanding and respecting what it is to be female or male
◗ an appreciation of the roles of women and men in society
◗ awareness of discrimination
◗ personal safety
◗ sexual orientation

Human relationships:
◗ developing skills regarding making and maintaining good relationships and friendships
◗ family roles and responsibilities
◗ group behaviour and resolving conflict
◗ an understanding of how peer pressure works

TY Relationships and Sexuality Education (RSE) include:

Friendship / Healthy Friendships


Building Relationships

Relationships Online

Influences – Media and Friends

Human Reproduction


The Age of Consent

Implications of Sexual Activity

Making Decisions


5th Year Relationships and Sexuality Education (RSE) include:

Values in Relationships

Sexual Orientation


Dealing with feelings

Challenging Roles / Stereotypes

Without Consent

Influence of Self-esteem

Human Reproduction and Fertility

Relationships on-line





Unplanned Pregnancy

6th Year Relationships and Sexuality Education (RSE) include:

When we feel hurt

Influences and Values


Loving Relationships

Decision Making

Sexual Abuse


Responsible Relationships

Relationships on-line




Living with Loss

Responsible Parenthood

If you do not wish your son/daughter to participate in RSE, please contact the school.

Abbey Road, Ferrybank, Waterford, Ireland.
051 832 930
© 2025 Abbey Community College